Magnificent Pearl Of Africa


Amazing Uganda

The magnificent Pearl of Africa

Uganda is one of the most beautiful countries on the continent, boasting lush green vegetation and a warm tropical climate, undulating landscapes, exceptional life experiences and wide-ranging game holding onto its mark as the pearl of africa. Uganda is a land of dramatic contrasts. Here, the forests of central africa merge with east african savanna while hot, open plains sink beneath great lakes and rise to chill, snow-capped mountaintops and it’s one of the thirteen countries crossed by the equator.

Uganda, The Pearl of Africa has got;

Mini Gallery

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We are the tours and travel brand of Vijana Agency. Our team comprises of experienced staff dedicated to provide well-coordinated, affordable and captivating tour and travel packages ranging from ordinary safaris and adventures.

Contact Info

Plot 21, Bombo Road, Kampala, Hotel Equatoria Room H326

+256 394 869 348
+256 709 642 670
+256 772 637 819

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